The summer months call for refreshing fruit juices and anything fresh. Watermelon tops the list of summer fruits because it has a high water content, which you need in abundance due to the scorching heat. You can cut it and eat it or use it to make DIY face masks to calm your skin. If you are looking for home remedies to fight acne, you can try watermelon. A popular cosmetic dermatologist explains why watermelon is good for the skin and how you can include it in your summer skin care to fight acne.

To find out how well watermelon works on acne-prone skin, Health Shots contacted Dr. Jaishree Sharad, a popular cosmetic dermatologist, author, TEDx speaker and founder of Skinfinti Aesthetic Skin and Laser Clinic in Mumbai.

benefits of watermelon skin
Watermelon is great for your skin. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Benefits of watermelon for the skin

Watermelon is not just about water content, it is also a fruit rich in antioxidants, multivitamins and minerals, which makes it incredibly beneficial for your health.

Here are some other benefits of watermelon:

• It contains high levels of lycopene and vitamin C which are antioxidants that fight free radicals and protect the skin from damage, says Dr. Sharad.
• It is good for those looking for anti-aging ingredients. It reduces collagen damage, maintains skin elasticity and minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
• It is a rich source of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin A, potassium, copper and magnesium, all of which help to brighten dull skin.
• Magnesium found in watermelon seeds helps reduce stress hormone levels, balance hormones and relieve acne.
• The presence of malic acid in watermelon serves as an exfoliator which helps in removing dead skin cells. Thus, you will see a reduction in blemishes and dullness.

Watermelon masks to fight acne

The nutritious summer fruit can be used to soothe and calm the skin. Simply applying watermelon juice to your face with a cotton ball for 10 to 15 minutes can reduce skin irritation and redness, says the expert. It increases the body’s nitric oxide levels, which promotes wound healing and also reduces acne. Here are more ways to include watermelon in the summer skincare regimen!

1. Watermelon with yogurt and honey

Combining watermelon puree with yogurt and honey and then leaving the paste on your face for 10-15 minutes can be beneficial. The antioxidants in honey and watermelon can reduce inflammation, while yogurt can exfoliate the skin.

benefits of watermelon skin
Make watermelon masks at home. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

2. Watermelon and tomato

A mixture of watermelon puree and tomato pulp can be used by those with oily skin to smooth the skin. Malic acid from watermelon and lycopene from tomato act as natural exfoliators and soothe the skin.

3. Watermelon and Banana

You can apply a mixture of watermelon juice and mashed banana on the face for 20 minutes as the anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve acne.

Dr. Sharad says the white rind of watermelon can also be used to calm irritated skin. It is enough to freeze thin slices of fruit and apply them to the face for 15-20 minutes. This will provide hydration and also soothe your skin.

You may be a fan of home remedies, but try not to use ingredients like lemon and cleansing agents with watermelon. While lemon is a strong acidic agent that contains lactic acid, watermelon contains malic acid which also does the job of an exfoliator. So, the combination of two acidic agents can make your skin dry, red and peeling. It is especially bad for women with sensitive skin who may experience more severe side effects.

Also, harsh cleansing agents like sugar and ground walnut shells should not be mixed with watermelon face masks. Watermelon seeds already work as a natural exfoliator, and the abrasive texture of sugar scrubs and ground walnut covers can be too harsh on the face. This means you can end up with dryness, irritation and rashes.

A word of caution before you go and try these watermelon face masks! Before trying any home remedy, consult a dermatologist or do a patch test.